How Does The Brain Really Work?

BRAIN...what a complex organ.

Observing reality has always been a captivating avocation for me, from figuring out patterns to understanding the underlying mechanisms of how things work and why they work the way they do. Recently, I've come to a profound realization: our brain, our mind, is indeed the ultimate problem solver; our very own JARVIS. Our minds function like tireless advanced assistants, that problem solves and calculates every action, an assistant that never stops working, even as we sleep.

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Imagine this: You wish for something, curious about something,  a question, a situation, or just seeks an answer in general, your subconscious will eventually lead you towards a solution. Sometimes, when we're overwhelmed, we let go temporarily, only to find ourselves naturally gravitating towards actions that lead to solutions. Our mind sets to work 24/7, sending waves of information for you to evaluate and connect the dots with, ultimately guiding you to conclusions. Whether you articulate your intentions out loud or silently contemplate them, or you might not even be aware that you were seeking for an answer, still your brain will do its job.

Our brain, is such an extraordinary machine, capable of processing trillions of information at the same time, even if we can only consciously by our own knowledge, focus on just one at a time. One good example is our “intuition” It's the brain's innate ability to calculate or predict the future, often guiding us towards safety or success, though, it is not always accurate.

Have you ever experienced a “gut feeling”? Where sometimes we just know something is off right away or perhaps sometimes we just have a feeling that something will have a good outcome? Take for example, we have to go somewhere, but then we feel it in our guts that we shouldn't. We end up going and not having a very desirable outcome. Our mind seems to have subconsciously picked up information before we even decide to go or not. The mind has already calculated or predicted an outcome, which it then sends the most probable outcome to our conscious mind, which becomes a "gut feeling" or what we call intuition.This fascinating ability to process information shapes our perceptions and guides our decision making, often drawing from past experiences and gathered information.

To further clarify, our minds give us a hunch or a prediction based on what's most likely to happen, using what we've learned from past experiences, what's around us, and what others say or what we see in the media. But intuition has its limitations. Sometimes, our minds may glitch and misinterpret signals or base intuitions on incomplete information or even our own biases. That's why it's crucial to approach decisions with a rational mind, considering the facts at hand and weighing the risks involved.

Mysticism or Science?

To elaborate further on our brain’s capabilities,  the concept of manifestation may sound woo-woo,  but in reality, it seems to have more to do with neuroscience than mysticism. A current trend most known as “angel numbers" seems to be a big thing currently, a phenomenon where people reports frequently encountering repeating numerical sequences (for ex. 444, 333, 111), interpreting them as messages or  signs from the universe and assigning personal meanings to them. This observation is based on personal experience as well.

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As we base on logical observations, these angel numbers serve as evidence of our mind's skill to focus on specific concepts that we've consciously or subconsciously brought to our attention. For example, if you become aware of the number "444" once, it's like planting a seed in your own mind. Therefore, your subconscious becomes intrigued by it, causing your attention to gravitate towards encountering that number repeatedly. Given that our brains process plenty of information at once, it's no coincidence that you might notice the number "444" multiple times in a day, as your subconscious actively seeks it out.

In conclusion, our minds have incredible superpowers and by understanding and trusting in our capabilities, we can change our perceptions and achieve our goals. Whatever we focus on, will become our reality. Whatever we set our mind into, we can achieve. Therefore we can set and wire our mind to look for every opportunities and courage to achieve our own goals!

Tired brain spreads his arms above with a rainbow, meme Stock Vector |  Adobe Stock


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